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Archive for the ‘Dental Facts’ Category


What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Do you know how many teeth you have? As adults, you have 32 teeth. Yet, many of us only have 28 teeth to count. This is because most adults have their third molars removed when they are in their late…


Why Do My Gums Bleed?

My Gums Are Sensitive and Are Bleeding, What Does That Mean? Bleeding gums is often a sign of a more advanced dental issue. Patients with bleeding gums are likely to be experiencing symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease is a…


Candy That’s Good For Your Teeth?

The American Dental Associations suggests that chewing sugar-free gum could actually help prevent the development of tooth decay. Talk to Dr. Henrich at your next visit to our Tulsa, OK family dentist office to find out which sugar-free gum is…


5 Things You May Not Know Are Oral Health Concerns

5 Concerns You May Not Know Are Oral Health Concerns Tooth decay, missing teeth, or a broken dental crown- these are all common dental health concerns that patients typically think to call their dentist to fix. But what about headaches…


The Power Of Your Smile

Do you know the full power of your smile? Studies show that a healthy, confident smile can actually help you feel and look better. People who smile more are viewed as more attractive, happier, and are more likely to enjoy…


Managing Tooth Sensitivity

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it’s that nobody likes sensitive teeth! Tooth sensitivity can cause discomfort during daily tasks such as brushing, flossing, eating, drinking, and even breathing in a cold gush of air! If you…


Why Is Fluoride So Good For Our Teeth?

We dentists make a pretty big deal about fluoride and how good it is for your teeth. Truly, fluoride is the best cavity fighter out there, helping our teeth stay healthy and strong! But how exactly does fluoride do such…


Our Hidden Superpower: Smiling!

Smiling at someone can turn their whole day around. But have you ever thought about the impact the act of smiling has on YOU? Smiling is a hidden superpower that can change our lives for the better if we let…


How Do Your Brushing Habits Compare?

We are supposed to brush twice a day for two minutes each time. How many of us actually do that? See how you measure up! From a recent poll: 49% of men brush their teeth only once a day. 57%…


Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Treat A Cavity

Many of us had at least one cavity in our lives, and if we don’t keep up on our oral hygiene, it’s likely that we’ll get a couple more as time goes by. While cavities may be inconvenient, it’s imperative…