When you experience dental discomfort, you should talk to your dentist. Some issues may be minor; however, others may be a sign of a much larger problem. It is better to go to your dentist with a minor issue rather than wait for it to cause significant damage. At your next routine appointment, be sure to talk to your dentist about any common dental problems.
Dry Mouth
A common complaint from patients is a dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition where your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva. As a result, your mouth may feel gritty, making it hard to swallow or eat. Unfortunately, dry mouth is not just an inconvenience. In fact, it can cause more serious dental problems.
Saliva is an essential part of your mouth environment. It may not seem like an integral portion of your dental health. However, it contains minerals that keep your mouth healthy. As bacteria attack your enamel, saliva helps to restore some of the lost minerals. Additionally, saliva keeps your mouth moist. Without saliva, your mouth becomes dry, which creates an unhealthy environment. Bacteria thrive in a dry climate, increasing your chances of developing cavities or gum disease.
If you have dry mouth, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible. It can be a side effect of several medications.
Bleeding Gums
If you see blood when you brush or floss your teeth, it may not be a cause for alarm. Sometimes, brushing your teeth too hard can cause small abrasions on your gums, making them bleed. Additionally, food can become lodged in your gums, which may cause bleeding gums. However, bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease.
Gum disease is an infection of the gums that begins with inflammation and bleeding. In its early stages, your dentist can treat gum disease with ease. In fact, it is possible to treat gingivitis with flossing and brushing your teeth. However, plaque buildup and poor oral health are the main contributors to gum disease. Therefore, improving your oral health can eliminate your gum disease. Otherwise, you can develop more severe side effects, such as missing teeth or bone deterioration.
Sensitive Teeth
Using teeth whitening products can temporarily cause mild sensitivity. This type of sensitivity is common and not cause for concern. Eventually, the sensitivity should subside. If you aren’t currently using whitening products, you may have a different dental issue.
Dental cavities cause sensitivity to temperatures and sugar. A cavity is a spot of permanent decay on your enamel. Once damaged, your dentist will need to drill out the decay and give you a dental filling.
You may want to talk to your dentist if you suffer from chronic headaches. For example, grinding your teeth can cause tension that creates headaches. Additionally, TMJ (a jaw joint disorder) commonly creates headaches. Long-term, these conditions can cause worn teeth or other chronic issues.